E-Spinning for the Novice

Interested in E-Spinning, but not sure where to begin? Want to try out an electronic spinning wheel before you buy? Katy & Helena will get you going!


$50.00 per person



About this experience

This class is one session long. Please ensure you are available for the session before booking your spot. See cancellation policy below.

Do you have a wheel, but haven't gotten the hang of it? Don't have a wheel yet, and want to limit how much you spend on a wheel? Or maybe you are not coordinated, and the idea of treadling and using your hands is intimidating. E-Spinning wheels are a great option and provide an economical choice to help those of us (Yarn Queen) that struggles with walking and chewing gum.

Katy, Helena, and Q will get you set up on your wheel, or have wheels available to try out. And if you decide you want to purchase one, they will be ready to send you home with it!

This is a great way to learn if spinning is for you, and how to have a wheel that will allow you to create a finished product that you will love!

Techniques you will learn:

  • Drafting Fiber
  • Spinning Fiber

Supplies Included:

  • 4 oz of Fiber

Supplies Needed:

  • Electric Spinning Wheel

NOTE: Yarncom has one e-wheel available to rent. If you rent it and decide to buy a wheel, your rental fee will be applied to the total cost of the wheel. Call the shop for availability.

Supplies purchased at Yarncom for this class will receive a 10% discount. *some exclusions apply

Class Policies

This class is non-refundable once purchased.

Your Host

Helena Bristow has been Vice Pigmentologist at Oink Pigments since its inception in 2010. She learned to crochet at age 4, and taught herself to knit when she started graduate school for the first time. She often jokes that “knitting stuck; grad school did not.” Helena has now dropped out of two different graduate programs because she would rather be playing with yarn. Helena can usually be found driving all over the country in her yarn van, to fiber festivals and local yarn stores.

Katy Turbeville is your Personal Yarn Enabler. Born and raised in Arkansas, she now travels the country full-time, bringing luxury, hand-dyed yarn to fiber enthusiasts across the US. She is the creative brain behind Yarn Adventure Truck and has been teaching a variety of fiber arts classes for over a decade. Katy also provides consulting services for those looking to start their own mobile yarn business or fiber festival.